
Monday, November 16, 2009

PHP cannot connect to mysql when run inside Apache

I ran into a very strange issue when Apache/PHP/MySQL.
What happend was my php code suddenly cannot connect to mysql on another machine any more. The error message is:
mysqli_connect() [function.mysqli-connect]: (HY000/2003): Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (13)
The strange thing was that if I connect mySQL from command line, even run the same code by php directly from command line, it worked just fine.

After searched around, I finally found the answer. Looks like it has something to do with SELinux settings.

To fix the issue, I only need to run:
setsebool httpd_can_network_connect_db 1

Before I ran the script, the file content of /selinux/booleans/httpd_can_network_connect_db was:
0 0

After I ran the script, content changed to:
1 1

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Trick to let iTune handle Chinese song names and tags correctly in Mac OS X

When play Chinese songs in iTune, it always tends to show the song information, such as name, artist, album, etc. as garbage text.

When I was running Mac OSX Tiger and Leopard, the trick I used was to open iTune application information by right-click and choose Get Info.
In the information windows, remove all languages except Chinese. So next time, when iTune is started, it starts in Chinese mode. And it handles all Chinese songs correctly.

In Snow Leopard, the language selection is missing in Get Info dialog. It took me a few weeks to find the new trick.
cd /Applications/iTunes.app/Contents/Resources
mkdir lang_bak
mv *.lproj lang_bak
cp -r lang_bak/zh_CN.lproj .

Then start iTune, you will get it in Chinese mode again and just as the trick before, all Chinese songs are handled correctly.

Hope these tricks can be helpful to Chinese Mac users.


BTW: If you speak other language and suffers the sames kind of problem, I guess you can try to delete all other languages other than your preference. Hopefully that will work for you too.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Monitor detailed SQL transactions issued by Hibernate

Hibernate help us translate access to Java objects from HQL to native SQL and automatically take care of object relationships, which saves developers lots of time, but at the same time, hide lots of details, such as how cross table queries are created, how tables are related and, very important, what data parameters are used for each prepared statetment is called.
To show SQL commands generaeted by Hibernate, we can normally use Hibernate config:
With this setting, Hibernate dumps all SQL it executed against DB as below:

Hibernate: select device0_.iid as iid1_0_, device0_.iname as iname1_0_, device0_.iip as iip1_0_, device0_.iinfourl as iinfourl1_0_, device0_.istate as istate1_0_, device0_.irecordState as irecordS6_1_0_, device0_.idevlocation as idevloca7_1_0_ from ieai_device device0_ where device0_.iid=?

However, if you want to see what exact value is passed into the SQL statement, and further more, what result was returned from the SQL command, we need to do more.
Basically we need to set log4j settings of the follow two Hibernate classes into DEBUG:


So the log4j.properties file will have the following settings:


Then Hibernate will dump debug information as below:

76033 [DEBUG] AbstractBatcher.log(): - select device0_.iid as iid1_0_, device0_.iname as iname1_0_, device0_.iip as iip1_0_, device0_.iinfourl as iinfourl1_0_, device0_.istate as istate1_0_, device0_.irecordState as irecordS6_1_0_, device0_.idevlocation as idevloca7_1_0_ from ieai_device device0_ where device0_.iid=?
Hibernate: select device0_.iid as iid1_0_, device0_.iname as iname1_0_, device0_.iip as iip1_0_, device0_.iinfourl as iinfourl1_0_, device0_.istate as istate1_0_, device0_.irecordState as irecordS6_1_0_, device0_.idevlocation as idevloca7_1_0_ from ieai_device device0_ where device0_.iid=?
76033 [DEBUG] NullableType.nullSafeSet(): - binding '3' to parameter: 1
76043 [DEBUG] NullableType.nullSafeGet(): - returning 'Device3' as column: iname1_0_
76044 [DEBUG] NullableType.nullSafeGet(): - returning '' as column: iip1_0_
76044 [DEBUG] NullableType.nullSafeGet(): - returning 'http://www.infolexllc.com/site/' as column: iinfourl1_0_
76047 [DEBUG] NullableType.nullSafeGet(): - returning '1' as column: istate1_0_
76047 [DEBUG] NullableType.nullSafeGet(): - returning '2' as column: irecordS6_1_0_
76048 [DEBUG] NullableType.nullSafeGet(): - returning 'test device location' as column: idevloca7_1_0_

If you are a newbie in Hibernate, you will be amazed to see what is going on underneath by Hibernate, either in a positive and encouraging way or a very bad negative way.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Customize Eclipse JVM in Mac

On Windows, we can change eclipse.ini under eclipse folder to put extra parameters for JVM.
On Mac, the ini file is located at:

Monday, May 4, 2009

How to bing dyanmic IP to a subdomain

We have a server with dedicated IP address in my company's headquarter. There're a couple of branches at other locations. We need to setup servers in each branch and allow accessing to those servers through dedicated subdomain name. But we do not have static IP for those branches, so it's not possible to bind any IP in our DNS server at headquarter.

If you have the same need as we are, here's what we did to resolve the problem.

Basically we need to setup DNS Update service at branch site to perform remote DNS update to headquarter to update IP of subdomains used by branch site periodically, so headquarter's DNS will always know the correct IP of each branch server.

For example, our main domain is infolexllc.com, and we need to setup a branch server at New York which will be called ny.infolexllc.com, here's what we do at servers at both ends (both CentOS 5.X):

At branch site(where only dynamic IP is available):
1. Install NS Update:
yum install bind-utils

2. Create folder to hold related files and scripts:
mkdir /root/nsupdate
cd /root/nsupdate

3. create key files for NS update
dnssec-keygen -a HMAC-MD5 -b 512 -n USER ny.infolexllc.com

4. You should have two new files created under the current folder:
Kny.infolexllc.com.+157+47223.key  Kny.infolexllc.com.+157+47223.private

5. create a new shell file: donsupdate.sh:

Make sure you change value of the script based-on your own environment.
6. Open the newly generated key file Kny.infolexllc.com.+157+47223.key
ny.infolexllc.com. IN KEY 0 3 157 QLwMCWdqUJ/ZOsOsdF4Dj/mYD2XwmqSrPL540JE3dwG7FXZwrJulOp16 Y0SySnfOo7+5s1mhZhUiAHxVOSoXnQ==

Remember the key string started from QlwMC.. all the way to the ending ==

On headquarter server:

7. Modify named comnfiguration to allow remote DNS update from ny.infolexllc.com

Open /etc/named.conf
Find zone "infolexllc.com" {
Insert the following section in the configuration file before the zone:
key ny.infolexllc.com.{
algorithm hmac-md5;
secret "QLwMCWdqUJ/ZOsOsdF4Dj/mYD2XwmqSrPL540JE3dwG7FXZwrJulOp16 Y0SySnfOo7+5s1mhZhUiAHxVOSoXnQ==";

Insert the following lines at end of the infolexllc.com zone:
allow-update {
key ny.infolexllc.com. ;

Restart DNS server:
/etc/init.d/named restart

Now the headquarter DNS server should allow remote DNS update from ny.infolexllc.com

On branch server:
8. Test DNS update script:

You should see messages like below:

Detected IP address is:
IP has been changed or one hour has been passed, save the flag and do update...
Creating key...
before getaddrinfo()
Outgoing update query:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: UPDATE, status: NOERROR, id: 0
;; flags: ; ZONE: 0, PREREQ: 0, UPDATE: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0
ny.infolexllc.com. 0 ANY A
ny.infolexllc.com. 84600 IN A

Reply from update query:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: UPDATE, status: NOERROR, id: 25321
;; flags: qr ; ZONE: 0, PREREQ: 0, UPDATE: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1
ny.infolexllc.com. 0 ANY TSIG hmac-md5.sig-alg.reg.int. 123123123123 300 16 ABCabcABCabc123+12aBcde== 25321 NOERROR 0

The status: NOERROR indicates a succeful update.
If you see any other error in status, go check /var/log/messages on head quarter server to find clue.

9. Test the new domain:
ping ny.infolexllc.com

You should see the new domain can be resolved to the dynamic IP currently assigned to branch server.

10. Once update script is working, you can create a cron job on branch server to run the script every 10 minutes. The script itself will check if IP has not been changed in the past hour, it will skip remote update.

I've done this for our branch servers several times. It works very well so far. I hope this set up can help resolving your problem. Feel free to let me know f you have any feedback or question.


Thursday, April 23, 2009

How to match lines that does not start with certain string(s)

I had a task to parse a huge log file and needed to pick up only those lines started with certain strings like:

So I fired up Eclipse, opened the file, and opened Find/Replace dialog box. In the dialog, I tried to replace:


So Eclipse find all strings that does not start with CPU_ALL nor ZZZZ and replaced those lines with space.

I was able to do another Replace of ^\n$ with Blank, so all blank lines got removed. But some how Eclipse complaint I had incompatible end of lines. So I opened the text file with my favorite text editor Notepad++ and ran its "Remove blank lines" plugin to get the job done.

The key here is

which matches string that does not start with "CPU_ALL".
And another
right after allows me to exclude another string.


Monday, March 23, 2009

How to write a servlet filter

Since you can call HttpServletResponse.getWriter() only once, it is a little bit tricky to add more output in servlet filter, because it is very likely your call to getWriter to be failed.

Come examples about filter can be found at:

Monday, March 16, 2009

Tips on svnmailer

svnmailer is a great tool to help admin monitor changes made in SVN repositories.
There're zillions of nice articles/docs on how to config it. So I won't bother adding one more here.
Only a couple of tips that I hope can help myself and you trouble-shooting it:

1. To remove =3D kind of characters in email
Looks like the current version of svnmailer (1.08x) and Python 2.4.3 will generate characters like =3D to replace special character = in the notification email. This is caused by the default encoding used by svnmailer (quoted-printable). The quick fix is to set it to utf8.
To apply the quick fix, open mailer.conf file, put the following setting in [defaults] section:

mail_transfer_encoding = 8bit

2. To test svnmailer without really committing anything into the repository:
After your configured svnmailer, you probably want to test the settings, but do not want to really commit anything into the repository. A quick command, which was actually suggested by svnmailer doc, is:

sudo -u apache ./post-commit [Repo Path] [Ver No.]


sudo -u apache ./post-commit /var/svn/2009 55

will send notification of change 55 of repository /var/svn/2009 to the designated email address.


Monday, February 23, 2009

Nagios killed all web sites created by virtualmin

I have a bunch of domains running on a Linux box. They are managed by VirtualMin. Each site has its own user name, group and home folder.
For example, site www.infolexllc.com under VirtualMin has user name and groups infolex as well as home folder /home/infolex.
The document root of the site is /home/infolex/public_html.
Everything was working great until I installed Nagios, hoping it could help me monitor status of my server.
But after Nagios was installed, all my sites on this server became unaccessible. when I pointed my browser to:
I got 403 error saying there's no permission to access the site.

I remember I ran into similar issue on a client's server before. So I found log I wrote down about two years ago. Looks like Nagios somehow removed user apache from group apache. Therefore, Apache server lost access right to website's document root which was owned by apache.apache.

So I guess similar thing must happened to my server also. I checked owner of /home/infolex/public_html, it's infolex.infolex.

I check groups apache belongs to, they are:
apache, nagois, nagiocmd

So I added apache back top group infolex by:
/usr/sbin/usermod -a -G infolex apache

I did the same to all other virtual hosts on the same server.

Then restart Apache. Everything is back to work!

I'm still having problem with Nagois itself so far. Will post more if I ran into anything worth to share.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Google Gear slows down WIFI?!

Man! if you read my previous post, you already know I have been fighting WIFI slowness on my Mac for many days.

I installed a 16Mbps Comcast business broadband service about two weeks ago. Since then, I noticed my MacBook Pro's WIFI speed drops down to only 100Kbps almost all the time. It's only good for a very short period of time after I restart router, blindly changed some setting on my MacBook Pro or router.
There were many times I thought the problem got resolved, I even posted a BLOG to celebrate it :). But after a few more minutes, the problem always comes back! My hair got almost pulled out completely and my mind became crazy!

Finally from last night, I noticed ping time in my network was very unreliable:

64 bytes from icmp_seq=1757 ttl=64 time=0.933 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1758 ttl=64 time=1095.138 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1759 ttl=64 time=102.211 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1760 ttl=64 time=1451.482 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1761 ttl=64 time=467.000 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1762 ttl=64 time=1859.467 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1763 ttl=64 time=861.624 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1764 ttl=64 time=1.828 ms

I started thinking maybe I should try close all application one at a time and see if any of them had any impact on the thing.
So I left a terminal open, with ping running, so I could see change of ping speed. At the same time, I started to close applications I run, such as Adium, Skype, Firefox... Wait! after Firefox was close, the ping speed turned back to a normal range:

64 bytes from icmp_seq=453 ttl=64 time=2.267 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=454 ttl=64 time=1.001 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=455 ttl=64 time=1.004 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=456 ttl=64 time=0.987 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=457 ttl=64 time=1.197 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=458 ttl=64 time=1.008 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=459 ttl=64 time=1.245 ms

It got be Firefox!

Then another question comes back. Why did Firefox behave pretty good before? And I cannot live without it.

That's when I realized I installed GoogleGear to enable offline access to my gmail account almost the same time when I installed Comcast. Could that plugin be a problem? Easy to know. I removed this plugin. And everything is back to normal, even with Firefox running! I enabled/disabled it many times just to confirm. And looks like IT WAS GOOGLEGEAR THAT CAUSED ALL MY HAIR-LOSS!

I will report the problem to our google friend. In the mean time, in case you are losing your hair as I was. Hope this post helps.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

WIFI slowness of my Macbook Pro

My Macbook Pro (2007 edition)'s WIFI turned to be very slow recently. Speed test (http://www.speedtest.net) sometime report only 10K download while I have 15M Comcast broadband.
I struggled many days and tried different ways I could imagine, even bough a new router, problem still unresolved.

Today, I tried to check /var/log/system.log and found lots of error messages like:

Feb 9 01:10:06 li-mac-2 mDNSResponder[22]: AppendDNSNameString: Illegal empty label in name "."
Feb 9 01:10:06 li-mac-2 mDNSResponder[22]: RegisterSplitDNS: bad domain .

Then I Googled the keywords:mDNSResponder[22]: RegisterSplitDNS: bad domain . and found a hint at:

Followed suggestion from the site, I finally managed to resolve my issue. Since the DNS error msg is gone, my MacBook Pro could do 14Mbps on wifi.

Here's summary of what I did:
1. run scutil --dns and saw something like:

DNS configuration

resolver #1
nameserver[0] :
order : 200000

resolver #2
domain : .
options : pdns
timeout : 5
order : 150000

resolver #3
domain : local
options : mdns
timeout : 2
order : 300000

2. Open Keychain Access
3. Click on System at left side
4. Find and delete item named DNS Key
5. Reboot
6. Problem resolved!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Thread-safe singlton instantiation

Very often that we need to get instance of a single which is initialized Lazily, meaning only when it is first be needed.

What we normally do is:

After reading a scary article about Java memory model, I realized this code does not always work in a multi-threaded environment:

The idea is complicated, but to describe it in a simple sentence, I would say:
Because modern compiler might reorder execution sequence of the commands, the code might fail under certain hardware/software environment.

So a safer solution is:

Because JVM guarantee initialization and execution order static inner classes, this solution is not only safe, but also faster than using volatile or synchronized keywords.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Javascript compressors

I ran into a nice websites that compares JS compressors on the fly. Cool stuff. So I write down here as a reference for myself, and you, just in case:

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Style check for Javascript files

Like PMD/StyleCheck for Java, I finally found a tool to perform coding style check and also to find common mistakes from JavaScript files:

Check their sample and doc for details. It's not so comprehensive/powerful as PMD/StyleCheck, but should be a good start for JS.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Change default Java version on Mac

The default Java on Mac (as of today) is 1.5.
I went to Apple's site and downloaded 1.5 update which includes 1.6 64bit. But the download page specifically said it does not change Mac's default setting.
In order to use the new Java 1.6 as the default JVM, need to do the following after the update is downloaded and installed:

1. Run /Aplication/Utilities/Java/Java Preferences
This is screen on my MacBookPro:

2. Click and drag Jave SE 6 64-bit to top of both list, and exit the program.

Now open a terminal, run
java -version

The result should be:

java version "1.6.0_07"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_07-b06-153)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 1.6.0_07-b06-57, mixed mode)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

RAR command line - to exclude files and folders

After many try&fail, I finally figured how to exclude files and subfolders when archiving with RAR command line.
Basically I tried to archive a folder with .svn subfolders. I definitely want to exclude them from the archive. But when I tried:
rar a -r -x.svn myarchive 

It did not exclude any .svn folders in second or deeper level of folder hierarchy.
Now the correct way is:
rar a -r  -x.svn -x*/.svn -x*/.svn/* -x*/anotherSubFolder -x*/anotherSubFolder/* myarchive

It will exclude all folder and subfolders with name .svn or anotherSubFolder.
Happy Year 2009!
