I need to test something in ColdFusion 8 on my MacBook Pro with Snow Leopard. After I downloaded and unzipped the installer, the installer simply did not run. I double click on the ColdFusion 8 Installer.app from Finder, nothing happened. I guess the Install Anywhere script which was used to create installer for CF 8 might have issue with Snow Leopard.
From internet, there're lots of articles about how run CF8 in Snow Leopard, no one really talked about installation part. Hope I'm not the only one that had this problem.
Anyway, I do managed to find a way to do the installation. Here's what I did:
1. Open a Terminal
2. cd ColdFusion\ 8\ Installer.app
3. cd Contents/Resources/Java
4. java -cp ./IAClasses.zip:Execute.zip:installscript.zip:. com.zerog.ia.installer.Main
5. Follow the steps and I was able to finish setup and run CF8